KSeF - Krajowy System e-Faktur

Everything about KSeF – summary of 2023

KSeF - learn all the most important information about the National e-Invoice System Basic information Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all, in this article we want to collect and present all the most important information and draw your attention to the consequences that the introduction of the mandatory National e-Invoice System will have on entrepreneurs. KSeF for short. The moment when KSEF will be established Read more…

KSeF - Krajowy System e-Faktur

New regulation regarding KSeF

Two new KSeF regulations On November 27, two new regulations appeared on the website of the Government Legislation Center, having a huge impact on the way invoices are generated within the National e-Invoice System (KSeF). In many cases, the new regulations will maintain the existing solutions, but will also introduce new regulations. Draft regulation regarding the National e-Invoice System Read more…

Aktualności KSeF

API update of the National e-Invoice System and the Taxpayer Application KSeF

Update of the KSeF API of the Ministry of Finance Today, in accordance with the previous announcement of the Ministry of Finance, the KSeF API and the Taxpayer Application were updated. The API update of the National e-Invoice System to version 2.0.4 includes: changing the structure of the document with the history of changes, changing the type in the Query Invoice Detail for amountType, correcting the lack of authorization error when asking about Read more…

KSeF - Krajowy System e-Faktur

Mandatory KSeF in JPK_VAT declarations

However, KSeF is mandatory in JPK_VAT declarations. However, in the context of JPK_VAT declarations, things will not be as rosy after the entry into force of the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), as announced by the Ministry of Finance (MF). The Ministry had previously announced that it would not introduce changes to the KSeF and JPK_VAT declarations at the same time, because it is too much of a burden for Read more…